Monday, July 28, 2014


July 7, 2014

You did not forget me again..................

So I made a goal on my mission to focus more on my email to my family and not as much to my friends.  sorry friends.  I love you all but I have to be with my family forever.  ha.


Last time I was worried.  This time I'm bugged.  But I still love you guys.

This week has actually been really good.  We worked a lot.  We decided it was time to doa cleaning of the area.  Meaning invite people to baptism and if they didn't want to commit we needed to give them some time.  The awesome news.  We marked 2 solid dates that day.  The first one is named Danielle.  She's pretty cool.  Her boyfriend was a member who went on a mission, so she knows A LOT that normal investigators don't and it's causing her to get a lot of things confused.  So we taught the basics.  If the book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith was a Prophet.   The Church has the Authority of God, and we have a prophet today who guides and leads the church through revelation from God.  Meaning everything is true.  She committed to the 26th of July and She actually keeps commitments like reading.  What a blessing.

We also visited an investigator that has had a lot of time with missionaries.  Her name is Aline.  We reviewed the Restoration, watched the 20 minute DVD, and invited her to read and be baptized on the 26th.  SHE SAID YES.  It was awesome.  She also is very chique.

Sadly, they were both sick on Sunday and didn't go to Church.  But, they will.  Danielle has already been going for 6 months and the missionaries never really taught her.

We also found 2 more Alines.  They are both way cool.  One went to church for about a month with a recent convert friend, and the missionaries never taught her too.  But we did.  And also marked a date for the 26th.  She's really cool.

The other we met last night and had a quick lesson.  It was one where they know something is different about you, and they can feel the spirit, so they do everything they can to keep you there a little longer because they don't know what they're feeling.  Or maybe it was just gas!  Just kidding.  It wasn't.  We had to go but we will return to teach her this week.

That's the news.  I love you all and hope you're alive.  thanks for forgetting me again.  I still love you.

Work cup is INSANE!!  Brazil is in the semi finals.  But Neymar fractured a vertebrate.  So people are worried here.  I'm worried that they and Argentina will both win, and all the Argentine missionaries here will die.  Seriously.  Take BYU vs. UTAH and literally times it by 1000.  YEP, And that's still not how much they dislike each other!


And watch it for me. Because we're still not allowed to. But we hear the fireworks.

Love, Elder Scott JACKSON Taylor

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