May 26, 2014
Bom Dia!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MOM AND DAD TOMORROW !!!!!!!!!!! 25 years people, 25 years! And I thought 2 was a really long time. 25 is a lot of years. Thank you for your incredible example of love and faithfulness. I can't tell you how thankful I am to have 2 parents that love me and love each other. But most importantly love the Lord.
Things are just great here in Vila Virginia. Our new missionaries that we live with, Elder Jones and Elder Madrid are incredible. They've helped us out in getting the work here rolling. We met new people this week and set 5 more baptismal dates.
We had a lesson this week with a lady who is staunch evangelical. Very firm in her Church. We actually had a lesson two doors down and we were writing the address of the new lady down while standing in front of her house. (The houses are a little different here, so we were still only like 15 feet from the house.) and she, Maria, said "what you writin down?" So we started talking and asked if we could share a message. She said any message from God is welcome and we taught the Restoration. Sadly, I invited her to baptism and she didn't understand me. So I tried again to no avail. But the third time she understood. And asked if she really needed to be baptized again. So we explained the authority. she said she would. So we left 2 Nephi 31 with her and a date for the 14 of June. We returned the next day to see how it went, and she was already in Jacob 2. What's up??
We also had a wedding on Saturday!! Our investigators, Luciano and Janaina got hitched. So we got to go to Sertaozinho, just outside of Ribeirao and see them get married. Elder Souza was actually the best man. They asked us to pray and decide who would be between us two. but Non-Brazilians can't. so that prayer was answered pretty quickly.
Also, the World Cup is going to be insane. Saturday Night. Noe one would talk to us about Church. Ha. Why? Because Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid were playing for the Champions League final in Spain. IN SPAIN. Now imagine how it will be in brazil when it's IN BRAZIL! Than Sunday afternoon, same thing. Why? Because Corinthians and Sao Paulo (2 of the biggest in Brazil, both in Sao Paulo) were playing. It's gonna be insane.
Sounds like it's a party there in colorado with the family reunion! I hope all is well!
I love you all! Have a great week!!
Love, Elder Scott JACKSON Taylor
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